He was originally going to be in a standing-up position, but when I sewed his arms on they stuck out. Having no desire to resew them, I just went with it, and put his hind legs in a stretched out lazy-lizard sort of look, that made him also look great as a flying dragon (if a little on the Superman-arm side).
I kept all the pattern pieces during the making so I could tweak the design and make another, but I have no current plans to do that. It was certainly a project, but a little time consuming. Especially with stuffing. I also had plans to make eyes, horns and claws out of scupley and sew them on, but he's much more cuddleable without them. So maybe that idea will carry on until the time I possibly try a second attempt. Ooh, the perfect wing curvature was mostly a fluke. The different stretch qualities of the two fabrics caused it I think, for which I'm grateful.
All images and content herein are © Sarah Morrison,
2019. |